Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Boston, Massachusetts

A general shot of the theatre. This is a multi-use space, and is probably one of very few film venues where two of the four walls are made of glass. In addition to film and video screenings, many live performances and lectures take place here. These pictures were taken on a rainy day, but the view of Boston Harbor is actually quite striking. Blackout shades drop down to cover the windows during screenings.

A reverse shot of the auditorium. The projection booth is located behind the three large windows in the back (two of which are covered by curtains in this shot to reduce light leakage). The two smaller windows are for a separate lighting booth. Seating is stadium-style.

Another general shot of the auditorium. The screen drops down from the ceiling, and the side masking curtains travel out from their storage position at the far right of this frame (in front of the wall). Loudspeakers are permanently located in the ceiling. The door on the left is a fire exit.

Auditorium during a screening, with blackout shades in place. The exit signs are not really this bright and annoying in real life.

An out-of-focus scan of a booth shot. The 35mm film projectors are Kinoton FP-30Ds. The video projector is a Digital Projection model that sits between the film projectors.

This is the Midas sound console that is used mostly for live performances in this room. In the background, you can see the flown loudspeakers and the masking curtains in the process of moving into position.

Part of the main sound rack in the back of the lighting booth. A dozen or so channels need to be patched as shown for film sound.

Film sound and video rack in the projection booth. Left rack, from top to bottom: LCD monitor, Extron component switcher/scaler, CP650, USL booth monitor, DVCAM deck, Digi-Beta deck, shelf, digital detangler, and guest input panel. Right rack, top to bottom: CRT monitors, Autopatch composite switcher, patch panel, Extron RGBHV switcher, DVD player (a Blu-Ray player has since been added), VCR (never used, thankfully), security camera controller, and various shelves and power supplies.

Photos from the Scott Norwood collection.

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