Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Watertown, Tennessee

Screen 2 projection booth – Brenkert BX-60 with RCA9030 soundhead (with Component Engineering LED conversion) and 4kw Xenex I lamphouse.

Projection Booth 2 sound rack – Numark sound mixer with Gemini CD200 CD player (for pre-show), Broadcast Warehouse TX-5 FM transmitter, Shure wirelesss microphone receiver, Denon DN-610F CD/Cassette combo deck.

Front Concession Line with Gold Medal 32oz. Pop-O-Gold popcorn machine.

Instead of an enclosed lobby, the Stardust features an open-air breezeway which runs through the center of the concessions/projection building. Shown here is the rear wall of the breezeway.

Front wall of the breezeway with two 6 foot concession serving windows.

Screen 1 (built in May of 2003) features a 25 foot x 60 foot SELBY screen tower with a throw of 350 feet. Screen 1 features DOUBLE RAMPS with a parking capacity of 275 vehicles. The term "Double Ramps" means there are 2 parking spaces (end to end) between each set of gravel driveways.

Screen 2 (built in September of 2005) features a 25 foot x 60 foot custom pole-built screen tower with a 350 foot throw. Screen 2 is also DOUBLE RAMPED with a parking capacity of 200 vehicles.

Screen 2 projection booth – Strong AP-3 platter system. Note the video surveillance camera mounted on the wall behind the platter. Both projection booths have video cameras pointed to the platters. The cameras are mounted on a vertical slide rail and can be repositioned to show the payout decks on the main wall mounted video monitor near the kitchen and a separate monitor in the office.

Screen 1 projection booth – Film build up area and trailer storage.

Screen 1 projection booth – Strong AP-3 platter system

Screen 1 projection booth – Simplex XL projector, Simplex SH-1012 soundhead (with Component Engineering LED conversion), 4KW Xenex II lamphouse.

Screen 1 projection booth – Sound Rack: Furman power conditioner, Numark sound mixer, Gemini CDX-2400 CD player, SMART MOD II B DIT cinema processor, Shure wireless microphone receiver, Broadcast Warehouse TX-5 FM transmitter.

Screen 1 projection booth – Simplex XL projector, Simplex SH-1012 soundhead (with Component Engineering LED conversion), 4KW Xenex II lamphouse.

Platter video camera in Screen 1 projection booth.

Stardust kitchen – Front line.

Stardust kitchen – Back cooking line.

Video monitor in hallway at the corner of the kitchen. This monitor shows all 8 cameras throughout the building.

Concessions line – back wall.

Concessions line – front line.

Concessions line – back wall.

35 foot X 70 foot Concessions and Projection building.

Photos from the Barry Floyd collection.

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