Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Temporary setup at the Hyatt Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Bell and Howell MARC-300 16mm projector, now with auto-thread parts removed. The "sound rack" (such as it is) sits below.

A general shot of the "booth" area. The 35mm projectors mostly sit inside a foam enclosure, which helps to reduce sound and light pollution of the seating area.

The booth interior, showing the MP-30 portable 35mm projectors.

Exterior of the "booth," shot from the opposite angle. The slide projector is only used for a logo slide between films.

Product placement shot for Dust-Off.

Some of the films that we showed.

A shot of the operator side of the MP-30s.

Reverse shot of the MP-30s, showing the belt-driven mechanisms.

Projection and viewing "ports," along with the film exitway in front of the "booth."

This is our makeshift Neumade rewind bench. Films were inspected elsewhere, so this was just for rewinding the odd short or in case of a repeat showing.

General shots of the room, front and rear views. There were about 70 seats in total.

Screen with logo slide during an intermission.

Me looking confused.

Sound rack. We didn't actually use the CP-50; we just used an external preamp, and the crossover and amps in the rack to produce left/right stereo, plus sub.

Home-built subwoofer below the screen.

Extra supplies and scope lenses.

Photos from the Scott Norwood collection.

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