Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Lake street screening room serves as a screening facility for critics as well as production crews. The facility originally opened in the early 80’s as Plitt’s private screening room. Steve Kraus acquired the facility in 2000.

The front of the auditorium is seen here. The room measures about 30 by 30 feet, the screen measuring in at around 20 by 9 feet. Although the room is fairly small, it can seat a small group comfortably.

The back of the auditorium is seen here. Notice the two ports, as this is a changeover booth.

This picture should give you an idea of the size of this booth, quite cozy. Steve Kraus is shown yaking with Paul Thompson.

The projection system for the Lake Street consists of Simplex 35’s with studio gates and 5 star soundheads. The projectors are equipped with basement readers, DTS penthouses, and 1.6KW Strong super lume-x lamphouses.

Projector two is identical to Projector 1, both machines featuring tachometers for mag interlock.

Here is the back of projector two. You can see the blue-colored tach just below the soundhead.

The mag dubbers are used mainly for production, where an optical soundtrack has not been printed yet. The tachs on the projectors keep both mag and film in sync for playback.

A close up of the number 1 dubber.

The sound system for the lake street consist of a Dolby CP500, DTS-6, CM-35 monitor, and QSC amps. The Carver CD player is for nonsync, as well as the mixer.

The Kelmar rewind bench shown here is used for inspection of prints before projection. Proper cues are inpected, and extra tail leader added if necessary.

We close with a cool shot of the number 2 machine at work.

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