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external charging for LD Board

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  • external charging for LD Board


    I have two LD boards for Christie projectors as spare parts and I charge them every three month inside projetors.

    It works so far.

    Did anyone ever charged them outside projectors?

    I know that there was a charging station for USL.
    Too bad they don't exist anymore.

    Is there a way to build this on Your own?

    Just 5v on some pins...?
    Is a charging controller needed?

    Thanks for any advice.


  • #2
    What USL had was an edge connector that worked with IMBs and Barco SDI boards. So, if you had a Barco SDI board and put your LD on it, it would charge that way. There is a little 2-prong charging port on the LD, if that gets 5V, it will charge but not light any LEDs. Barco offered (and my still do) a very expensive wall-wart with something like 5 such charging plugs so you could leave the LDs in a permanent state of charge until, and if, you need them. I suspect the bulk of LDs that "failed" were due to the software bug in the LDs before 1.8 came out. I think I've had two that registered mechanical tampers (where one of the internal switches claims a cover was removed).

    In any event, if you source that 2-pin connector and roll your own 5V charging system, you should be able to just leave them in a permanent state of charge. Then again, once you move beyond SDI based servers, the LDs will become a "dime-a-dozen," as we say in the US. I'm starting to get quite a collection, myself.


    • #3
      USL also had a "feedingboard" where You could place around 6(?) LD boards sidebyside and leave themthere for charging.

      All LD board that died in my surroundings over the last Year died beacuse of empty batteries.
      Especially during covid Years.

      Even in storage of Christie they had problems.
      I got at least 4 "new" boards with emply batteries and lost certs.

      On the LD there are 3 connectors.

      one small white 4 pin (3pin?)
      one small wihte multipin
      one bigger black multipin

      anyone knows where to feed 5V?



      • #4


        • #5

          That's the one I was looking for...


