Originally posted by Leo Enticknap
It is true that the logs are often based on the honor system, when it comes to maintenance. NEC doesn't nag you about the filters so it is ignored by most and way too big a pain to clear for what it is. The LCD menu structure doesn't entice one to log it and even the DCC, which most don't have access to and, depend on the projector, they hide where it is. How many use the Lamp Certificate to load in a xenon lamp versus just select the lamp and use their warranty hour inputs?
Originally posted by Leo Enticknap
Now, from a used market, I can definitely see how knowing the total run time would be a benefit to see how "enjoyed" the projector is. It is too bad that counter isn't a bit more non-volatile like the SIM card. However, I have a DP2K projector in a museum...I don't care how many hours are on it...it is a better buy, if they sell it, than one with the same hours in a cinema. You can go an entire year and not need to clean the filters. And, since they are museum...the coolant gets changed on schedule (and the pump) and the colors reshot...etc. It looks new. There are some theatres where just a couple years in, the projectors look whipped.
As for the DP100...I wouldn't touch it. It is very unsupported and does not share enough with the DP3000, despite the similar appearance. If you have one with an IREM power supply, too bady, that card isn't available...etc. Conversely, the DP1200-DP200 share quite a bit with the S2s (not in the Elca box though) but still, there are going to be some gotchas there.
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