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Barco DP2K-12C "Lamp Temperature High" Error

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  • Barco DP2K-12C "Lamp Temperature High" Error

    Hi all,

    Its the first time I have this error/problem. Having these error even with the lamp Off. We power cycle the projector and it comes back up with the error. Did the projector has some sort of sensor in the lamp area I can check? I checked but don't seem to found it. Any help will be helpful. Thanks!

  • #2
    There are sensors all over the projector. The lamp one is behind the rear cover below the tail light, on a round plate used to block the rear exhaust (the plate and exhaust flange can be interchanged to convert the projector into a rear exhaust (handy for stacking if it is the lower projector).

    Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 9.20.54 AM.png

    Here are the images of concern:

    Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 9.29.45 AM.png

    Item 1 above, such as it the sensor itself (it is mounted in a little deflector. Image 2 is the connector for the sensor and is next to the tail light...note the yellow wire color...because the next location is on the front of the projector behind the main filter. Arrow 3 is pointing to the other end of the cable (yellow) going into the signal backplane (though you can barely see the yellow wires). That is J10.

    Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 9.34.55 AM.png

    Since the projector should give you a "open" or "shorted" (or "missing") error if any of those problems occur, it may be worth ensuring that the sensor is clean. It is also worth reseating the Cinema Controller module (will cause a security tamper event so if you cannot clear that, your projector will not be able to show DCPs). I don't recall if the temp sensors go through the fan controller board at all (I don't think so...I think it just distributes power, but it couldn't hurt to reseat it too).

    My guess is either the sensor has become faulty or there is "noise" on the edge connector to the Cinema Controller causing a poor reading and bogus temp. I'd reseat the connector on the back of the projector, the one on the signal backplane too. If you have DeOxit (D5), I'd use it. If I'm not mistaken, that sensor acts as a variable resistor so if the contacts are noisy (getting an intermittent type connection) it would present itself as a higher resistance and probably simulating a high temp. By far the biggest culprit of Barco connectivity failures is that signal backplane and its edge connectors. Normally, they show up on the ICP connection with either a Red or Green overcast to the image but it could happen to any of the lower-three cards.


    • #3
      Agree, likely a connection issue giving a false reading. The sensor may be a special resistor or a kind of diode.
      Reseat the FCB and CCB first. That's the top board (half width board) and the bottom board (full size board). Don't pull them all the way out... just an inch or so: pull out, push back in a few times. You should need to remarry the projector after that. If it's still in error then go after the rest of the connection points. If you have other C series projectors you can try swapping the sensors although these components rarely cause problems.
      Probably the reseating will solve it though.
      You can save a diagnostic report and send it to Barco... they may be able to pinpoint the problem. I don't know how their sales regions work but if you're considered to be in the USA region (Canada is) then that's

