ShowEast 2000

Caribe Royal Convention Center, International Convention.

Ioan Allen from Dolby (right) and Jose Alvaredo from Lucasfilm/THX.

Boston Light and Sound / Kinoton Equipment.

Kinoton portable projector.

Unknown equipment supply booth.

Osram booth.

Klipsch speaker booth.

PMG booth, suppliers of concession specialty cups, buckets, trays, etc.

Ultra Stereo Labs booth.

John Pytlak from Kodak (left) and Pat Moore from Strong at the international convention.

Panastereo and Smart devices booth.

Neumade booth.

EAW booth.

Strong booth with spotlight.

Isco optic booth.

Pat Moore teaching Steve Guttag how to run a platter.  

Steve sabotaging the platter after Pat left.

DTS booth.

Irwin Seating booth.

QSC audio booth.

Kelmar booth.

Dolby booth with CP650 processor cased in plastic to see into the case.

JBL booth.

Lucasfilm/THX booth.

Component Engineering booth.

TI DLP booth.

Christie digital booth.

Christie digital projector.

Christie film projection equipment.

Sony SDDS display.

Barco digital projector.

Pat Moore, keynote speaker at the international convention on how to improve 35mm projection.

Omniterm booth.

The show floor.

CPI booth.

More of CPI's booth, showing new frame counter.

CPI booth with FilmGuard display.

Special thanks to Lance McFetridge, Lake Street Plaza Theatres for the pics.